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Infant Massage and the benefits for Breastfeeding

Infant massage can provide many benefits to both parent and baby. For the caregiver, two hormones are in play: Oxytocin and Prolactin. These 2 hormones are pivotal when it comes to breastfeeding as they are the milk producing and milk ejecting or “let-down” hormones. Studies have shown an increase in these hormones when a parent massages their baby, this is specifically important for the lactating parent. Prolactin is essential for the secretion of milk. When a babe is suckling at the breast, or even when the parent is pumping, the sensation brings an increase of prolactin, allowing for more milk production. (Fun fact, Prolactin levels are highest at night so don’t skip out on those night feeds!)

Oxytocin is the “let down” hormone or the milk ejection reflex. This is the flow of your milk, and how your babe receives milk from your body to theirs. This reflex is brought about from the parent-baby senses; touching their babe, smelling them, seeing, smelling and hearing their sounds. For your baby, infant massage can help with several things, to include;

  • Improve Sleep

  • Aide in digestion

  • Encourage non-verbal communication

  • Create bodily autonomy

  • Support physical development

  • Support brain development

  • Relieve pain & tension

  • Increase Parent-Baby bonding

Touch is the first sense to develop in utero, this is a part of why we want the golden hour after birth. You want to have skin to skin immediately after birthing your babe, you want those 2 milk making hormones to allow for milk production. Infant massage allows for these hormones to increase which may boost milk production and bonding for parent and baby. Breastfeeding and massage promote the love, trust and feelings hormone, oxytocin. Breastmilk contains SIgA (Secretory IgA) and infant massage increases SIgA- which protects the baby's immune system. They both stimulate the vagus nerve, the parasympathetic nerve, which has to do with digestion, heart rate and breathing. If you are interested in trying out infant massage on your baby, you can use the discount code "blog10" for 10% off your order.


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