Pooping, we all go but the poops of an adult are very different from that of a new baby, and especially a breastfed baby. The chart below will allow you to get a better example of what to expect during the first week and on of your baby’s life and poop cycle.
Every baby is different of course and your baby may have more or less, wet/dirty diapers. But for the most part babies are designed with a similar poop output.
The easiest way to know that your baby is getting enough milk from you is to count their diapers.
On day 1 you want to look for 1 wet diaper and their first poop. It will be black and sticky.
Between days 2-4 their poop will transition into a dark green or brown.
By day 4 or 5 the poop should become more yellow and eventually look seedier and mustard-yellow in color. This is good, yummy poop we want to see!
Babies make large and small poops throughout the day; you want to count the poops that are larger than a coin quarter, as a poop.
If at Day 1 or 2 your baby has an orange or red wet diaper this should transition to clear watery pee by day 3 or 4.
You want to look for a minimum of 3 pees on day 3 and 4 pees on day 4.
